Snowboarding Simulator


Our Innovative and Life-Changing Solutions
Snowboarding Simulator


Our Innovative and Life-Changing Solutions

Overall, the project aims to aid in the rehabilitationprocess of veterans and allow them to gain confidence in a controlledenvironment before snowboarding on a real mountain. The team will mainly focuson a system that accurately simulates the heel-to-toe and swivel motions ofsnowboarding while maintaining the safety of the system. Team members will lookbeyond static devices to be placed on the CAREN, utilizing mechanical designconcepts that will meet the needs of a successful project. Additional importantconsiderations include interfacing sensors with the CAREN system and notdamaging the system. The team must also take advantage of a variety ofresources available to them, such as a network of expert individuals, a $5,000budget, and a campus laboratory space. By May of 2022, the team will deliver amechanical device that is able to be mounted to and removed from the CARENsystem that will safely and accurately simulate snowboarding while providingfeedback to the physical therapists regarding prosthetic use. The team hasdetermined the project scope, generated customer needs and associated targetspecifications, utilized concept generation methods, performed Risk Assessmentand Mitigation Planning (RAMP), and developed a detailed design that meets theneeds of WRNMMC

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